
 Instructions for Abstract Preparation and Submission

The Official language of the conference is English.

Prepare your abstract in Word, using Arial font, 12-pt type.

Save the Word document of your abstract as:


Example: GAUR_ABSTRACT.doc

General Instructions


In BOLD style, only the first word with capital letter. Use italics for scientific names. Skip a line between TITLE and AUTHORS.


Last name followed by initials of given name. Use a comma to separate each author name. Underline the name of the presenting author and the corresponding author by asterisk. Use a numeric superscript to indicate affiliations of authors.

Skip a line between AUTHORS and AFFILIATIONS.


Superscript number corresponding to each affiliation as indicated in AUTHORS. Institution name (no department name), city, Pin/Zip and country (no street address). After the last affiliation write the e-mail of corresponding author.

Skip two lines between AFFILIATIONS and TEXT.

TEXT: Maximum 250 words.

Abstract Submission Deadline: 31 March 2018 (Open for Poster presentation only)

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(i) Poster size: 40 x 30 inches (height x width). Posters in landscape are not allowed.

(ii) Poster presenters will be responsible for the installation and removal of posters on the assigned board. We recommend using double sided tape that will be provided by volunteers on site.

(iii) The Organizing Committee and the Executive Secretariat will not be responsible for any loss or damage due to installation, removal of posters on site, for the costs of printing, transportation and accommodations related to the poster presentation.